Pain Management

  You have probably noticed how distracting the mind can alter the awareness of discomfort e.g. being engrossed in a TV film and forgetting a headache etc …This happens because we can’t focus on two things at once.   Hypnosis has been successful in treating all kinds of painful conditions including: • Burns • Cancer

What is hypnotherapy?

What is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a combination of Psychotherapy and Hypnosis. The Psychotherapy in itself is extremely beneficial and its effects are enhanced by the application of Hypnosis, which enables the subconscious mind to make beneficial changes. What to expect: Many people believe that Hypnotherapy is something that is “done” to them, that they explain

Phobias and Fears

So what do you do? Run, freeze, feel sick or simply want to cry? There are, in the main, two types of phobias.  There is the simple phobia where a person reacts negatively when they come into contact with the thing that causes fear, i.e. dentists, needles or spiders.  Then there is the complex phobia

Sleep Problems

Sleep is a wonderful thing that we take for granted, that is until we can’t sleep.  If Insomnia starts to take over our life then bedtime can feel daunting. Most adults need between six and eight hours’ sleep each night, although we’re all different.  Some people find they can manage on just three hours.  Older

Pain Management

You have probably noticed how distracting the mind can alter the awareness of discomfort e.g. being engrossed in a TV film and forgetting a headache etc …This happens because we can’t focus on two things at once.   Hypnosis has been successful in treating all kinds of painful conditions including: • Burns • Cancer •

Low Mood

Feeling really low can often be a lonely and unsympathetic issue to deal with.  One of the reasons for this is partly because it can’t be physically seen. Some of the possible symptoms of depression can be as follows: Feeling of emptiness or sadness Loss of interest in activities Significant weight loss or weight gain

What Hypnotherapy can help with

The following lists represent some of the major areas I work with using Solution Focused Hypnotherapy.  The list is not exhaustive, so please give me a call or email me if you need further information.  Please note, the client needs to be willing to work with me and some changes in lifestyle may be discussed.  Clients

What it costs

The Initial Consultation is £65 including a relaxation CD.  This will give us the chance to get to know each other and see if I can help you move forward. General therapy, including phobias, is £65 per session, taking up to one hour. Anti-smoking therapy lasts between 90 min and 2 hours and costs £150. CLEAR CANCELLATION

What is hypnotherapy?

What is Hypnotherapy? Hypnotherapy is a combination of Psychotherapy and Hypnosis. The Psychotherapy in itself is extremely beneficial, a talking therapy, and its effects are enhanced by Hypnosis, which enables the subconscious mind to make beneficial changes. This is the part your relax while I talk to you. What to expect: Many people believe that

Solve YOUR Problems

Problems sleeping? Migraines? Anxiety? Confidence issues? Eating problems? Lack of Motivation? Phobias? Want to stop smoking? Once you decide something is a problem then you decide you don’t want that problem anymore, you have made a giant step forward to releasing it from your life. Contact me to make an appointment or to discuss how